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Breve CV dell’Architetto Dr. BUNTING

"Bainbridge Bunting was born in Kansas City, Missouri on November 23, 1913. He attended the University of Kansas and later the University of Illinois, where he received a baccalaureate degree in architectural engineering, in 1937. He completed his doctoral dissertation, "The Architectural History of the Back Bay District in Boston," at Harvard University. A conscientious objector during World War II, Dr. Bunting worked in forestry camps and mental hospitals from 1942 to 1946, under the sponsorship of the American Friends Service Committee. In 1948, he joined the faculty at the University of New Mexico Art Department, where he remained until 1980, climbing the ranks from Assistant Professor to Professor.
When he first arrived at UNM, he was the entire Art Department faculty. Bunting immediately and fully immersed himself in the local culture, and began an important study of adobe architecture. Popular with his students and active in the community, he was co-editor of the state's architectural journal, New Mexico Architecture, for seven years. Dr. Bunting was also a trustee of the Albuquerque Museum and a member of the Old Town Architectural Review Board. He authored numerous articles and three books on the architecture of New Mexico, Taos Adobes (1964), Of Earth and Timbers Made (1974), and The Early Architecture of New Mexico (1976). Among many other projects, Bunting conducted studies on Zuni Pueblo, and on the architecture of John Gaw Meem. In 1978, in recognition of these important contributions to the history of architecture in New Mexico, Bunting received the Governor's Award in the Arts.
Simultaneously, Bunting continued his research in Massachusetts. From the mid 1960s, he undertook an extensive study of the architectural history of Cambridge, resulting in a four-volume work, published by the Cambridge Historical Commission. In 1968 and 1975, he taught the summer session at Harvard University. At the time of his death he had substantially completed a history of architecture on the Harvard campus published by the Harvard University Press. Always active, Bainbridge Bunting was preparing to teach the fall semester of classes at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology when he died on February 13, 1981". (Gesualdo Carozza)
Fonte: Università del Nuovo Messico dove l'Arch. Bunting insegnò e dove sono conservati tutti i suoi scritti.